Web pages published from Apteve are made up of templates, layouts and modules which contain the content. The template controls the top level behaviour of the page such as whether it contains a footer or not, your site may contain just one template.

Layouts control how the modules are displayed on the page and your site may have several of these such as for the homepage, blog or contact us page. Layouts include placeholder sections from which modules can be added and reordered. 

Below are examples of how templates, layouts and modules fit together. 


Templates often also include Global Modules which such as header and footer links. These can be edited either on the page or from Site Settings > Global Modules


Layouts contain placeholders which is where modules can be added and reordered. Depending on your site you will have different configurations of layouts which can be used for building new pages. The layouts are fully responsive and will scale down to suit mobile screen sizes. However some modules can only be used in certain placeholders such as full width header images or side bar navigation. 


As with layouts your site may have multiple modules depending on the site design and configuration. Modules are added via the plus icon to the left of the placeholder and can be re-ordered via the arrow icons to the right of each module.